Estimating Soil Moisture

Estimating Soil Moisture by United States Department of Agriculture, USDA_IWM_1998.pdf (0.6 MiB) - First Sentence: Irrigation Water Management (IWM) is applying water according to crop needs in an amount that can be stored in the plant root zone of the soil.

Powdery mildew weapons near 1993

Powdery mildew weapons near 1993 by T.J. Burnham, Burnham_Powdery_Mildew_1993.pdf (0.8 MiB) - First Paragraph: New registrations of fatty acid and an oil material on the horizon for California grape growers bring important additional weapons to the fight against...

Cordon or cane pruning? 1996

Cordon or cane pruning? 1996 by Richard Smart, Smart_Pruning_1996.pdf (0.2 MiB) - First Paragraph: I am frequently asked "which is the best way to prune- cordon or cane?" This column will try to give an answer to this perennial question, which is probably as old as...

The role of veraison in berry drought tolerance 1995

The role of veraison in berry drought tolerance 1995 by Mark A. Matthews, Matthews_Veraison_1995.pdf (0.4 MiB) - First three sentences: Berry size is a quality factor of fresh, raisin, and wine grapes. And certainly this is one parameter that is to some extent under...