by Lodi Growers | Aug 23, 2013
LODI GROWER , 2013_April_G.pdf (6.5 MiB) - Fourth Paragraph: My UC Davis colleagues and I conducted the 2011 Lodi Winegrape Grower Survey and the 2013 Lodi Winery Survey. The LWC was instrumental in the success of this landmark study, and the results have been...
by Lodi Growers | Aug 23, 2013
L O D I W I N E G R A P E , 2012_Spring_G.pdf (8.7 MiB) - First Paragraph: The Lodi Winegrape Commission has a long history of advancing Lodi agriculture. Over the years the LWC's policies and programs have evolved in response to the ever-changing economic,...
by Lodi Growers | Aug 23, 2013
L O D I W I N E G R A P E , 2011_Summer_G.pdf (0.4 MiB) - First Paragraph: The 2011 season started off with a second year of above average rainfall. After three previously dry winters, last year was helpful, but didn’t quite fill depleted soil profiles. This spring,...
by Lodi Growers | Aug 23, 2013
L O D I W I N E G R A P E , 2011_Fall_G.pdf (0.6 MiB) - Fourth Paragraph: The cultivation of wine grapes has become increasingly complex over the years. There have been refinements in tools and techniques which have included everything from rootstocks and clones to...
by Lodi Growers | Aug 23, 2013
ipm11-10_ipm1-09 11/17/10 12:31 pm page 1 , 2010_November_G.pdf (0.2 MiB) - First Paragraph: Growers will recall it was 2004 when the San Joaquin County and Delta Water Quality Coalition (Coalition) was formed by local growers and managed through the San Joaquin...
by Lodi Growers | Aug 23, 2013
year by above average rainfall totals and by cool weather until , 2010_July_G.pdf (0.2 MiB) - First seven sentences: There has been quite a stir across the state with another noxious pest introduction. This time our neighbors to the north in Napa and Sonoma have...
by Lodi Growers | Aug 23, 2013
the Lodi area. , 2010_April_G.pdf (0.1 MiB) - First Paragraph: The 2009 year ended with a fairly normal rainfall total for the months of October, November and December around 6.1 inches for the north County and at slightly below average levels around 3.8 total inches....
by Lodi Growers | Aug 23, 2013
ipm10-09_ipm1-09 8/30/10 7:18 am page 1 , 2009_October_G.pdf (0.3 MiB) - First Paragraph: The 2009 growing season has been more than the usual challenge. Seasonal temperatures were average to somewhat mild, but soil conditions posed unusual difficulties on vines after...
by Lodi Growers | Aug 22, 2013
L O D I W I N E G R A P E C O M M I S S I O N 9 , 2009_May_G.pdf (0.1 MiB) - Second Paragraph: From a financial and environmental perspective, we are lucky that sulfur dust remains the backbone of the region’s management for Powdery mildew. It is effective, relatively...
by Lodi Growers | Aug 22, 2013
LODI WINEGRAPE COMMISSION , 2009_January_G.pdf (0.3 MiB) - First Paragraph: The Lodi Rules program had another significant year of growth in 2008. More than 10,000 vineyard acres achieved Lodi Rules certification from Protected Harvest in 2008, more than 10% of the...
by Lodi Growers | Aug 22, 2013
9 , 2009_August_G.pdf (1.0 MiB) - First Paragraph: The UC Davis Soil Resource Laboratory has developed an online soil survey tool ( designed to deliver soil survey information through a web interface. The soil survey...
by Lodi Growers | Aug 22, 2013
UPCOMING MEETINGS , 2008_October_G.pdf (0.6 MiB) - First Paragraph: Lodi winegrowers have long recognized the importance of Human Resources in running a successful business. This is evident by the prominent role it plays in the programs they have developed, such as...
by Lodi Growers | Aug 22, 2013
LODI WINEGRAPE COMMISSION , 2008_March_G.pdf (1.2 MiB) - First five sentences: The 2008 year seems to be starting out somewhat normal with regard to rain and temperatures, at least compared to 2007 with its very dry and very cold January. Last year rainfall total at...
by Lodi Growers | Aug 22, 2013
LODI WINEGRAPE COMMISSION , 2007_November_G.pdf (2.6 MiB) - Why compost? You do not normally associate fine wine with waste. Compost made from green waste and other organics such as food scraps can make for a valuable addition to vineyards. Compost is a soil amendment...