by Lodi Growers | Jun 28, 2013
Influence of vine trellis training systems on growth, yield, fruit composition, and Eutypa incidence in Cabernet Sauvignon by Dr. Keith Striegler, Striegler_Eutypa_Unknownyear.pdf (0.6 MiB) - Hypothesis of experiment: A reduction in pruning wounds during infections...
by Lodi Growers | Jun 28, 2013
Control of Eutypa dieback of grapes by James J. Marois, W. Douglas Gubler, Marois_Eutypa_Unknownyear.pdf (0.4 MiB) - First Sentence: The ultimate objective of this research is to develop practical measures for the control of Eutypa dieback of grapevines by modifying...
by Lodi Growers | Jun 18, 2013
Eutypa dieback of apricot and grape in California by W.J. Moller, A.N. Kasimatis, D.E. Ramos, W.H. English, K.W. Bowers, J.J. Kissler, D. Rough, R.R. Sanborn, Moller_EutypaDieback_1980.pdf (1.2 MiB) - First three sentences: This disease, first described as "gummosis"...
by Lodi Growers | Jun 5, 2013
Understanding and treating Eutypa dieback of apricots by Bill Coates, Coates_Eutypa_1994.pdf (0.5 MiB) - First Paragraph: Eutypa dieback is rapidly becoming the most serious disease problem in coastal apricot orchards. Eutypa is a limb dieback disease formerly called...