by Lodi Growers | Jun 27, 2013
Vineyard propagation by James J. Kissler, Kissler_Propagation_Unknownyear.pdf (87 KiB) - First Section: Propagation methods -Rooted Cuttings (own root) -Potted Vines (own root) -Benched Grafting -Field Budding -Field Grafting
by Lodi Growers | Jun 27, 2013
Field budding and the care of the budded grapevine by Lloyd A. Lider, Lider_Budding_Unknown.pdf (0.7 MiB) - First Sentence: In recent years, California vine growers increasingly have been planting grape rootstocks resistant to root-infesting pests, principally the...
by Lodi Growers | Jun 27, 2013
T-bud grafting of grapevines by Curtis J. Alley, Alley_T-bud_Grafting_1977.pdf (0.2 MiB) - First Paragraph: A fast, easy, foolproof method is needed for topworking fruiting grapevines to a better variety high above ground level (that is, just below the bottom trellis...
by Lodi Growers | Jun 21, 2013
The production of certified grape stock by Golina, Golina_GrapeStock_1990.pdf (1.7 MiB) - First Paragraph: Any grower may propagate their own vines. State nursery license is required if vines are grown to sell. For material to be sold, California Certified Grape Stock...
by Lodi Growers | Jun 4, 2013
Vineyard propagation by Paul Verdegaal, Verdegaal_propagation_unknownyear.pdf (0.6 MiB) - First two sentences: Grapevine propagation for commercial vineyards includes the use of cuttings, rootings, benchgrafts, budding, layers and grafts. These vegetative propagation...