by Lodi Growers | Jul 12, 2013
Estimating Soil Moisture by United States Department of Agriculture, USDA_IWM_1998.pdf (0.6 MiB) - First Sentence: Irrigation Water Management (IWM) is applying water according to crop needs in an amount that can be stored in the plant root zone of the soil.
by Lodi Growers | Jun 28, 2013
When understanding irrigation- many things are to be considered! by Robert L. Wample, Wample_Irrigation_1997.pdf (1.0 MiB) - First Sentence: Whether it is because we would like to maintain (or increase) the yield of our grapevines, or we are concerned with the...
by Lodi Growers | Jun 28, 2013
Winegrape water use and the effects of water deficits 2000 by Terry L. Prichard, Paul S. Verdegaal, Prichard_Water_Use_2000.pdf (0.4 MiB) - First two sentences: The main purpose of controlling the application of irrigation waters to winegrapes is to produce high...
by Lodi Growers | Jun 17, 2013
The role of veraison in berry drought tolerance 1995 by Mark A. Matthews, Matthews_Veraison_1995.pdf (0.4 MiB) - First three sentences: Berry size is a quality factor of fresh, raisin, and wine grapes. And certainly this is one parameter that is to some extent under...
by Lodi Growers | Jun 17, 2013
MAY/JUNE 2000 2 by Stan Grant, Grant_IrrigationControl_2000.pdf (0.7 MiB) - First Paragraph: Most winegrape growers and viticulturists agree that irrigation is the most important management practice for quality wine grape production known to directly effect fruit...