by Lodi Growers | Jun 30, 2014
THE GENERAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN POTASSIUM, by Roger Boulton, The General Relationship Between Potassium, Sodium and pH in Grape Juice and Wine.pdf (0.5 MiB) - The general relationship between the concentrations of the cations, potassium and sodium, and acidity...
by Lodi Growers | Jul 16, 2013
Factors affecting soluble solids, acid, pH, and color in grapes 1986 by D.I. Jackson, Jackson_Grape_Quality_1986.pdf (0.5 MiB) - First two sentences: Total soluble solids, acid, and pH levels are commonly used as indicators of ripeness for wine grapes. An appropriate...
by Lodi Growers | Jul 16, 2013
pH=Quality 1984 by Robert Beelman, Beelman_pH_Quality_1984.pdf (0.5 MiB) - First Paragraph: The importance of must pH to wine quality is a subject of great current interest among both growers and winemakers. The purpose of this report is to review the principal...
by Lodi Growers | Jul 16, 2013
Effect of crop level and crop load on growth, yield, must and wine composition, and quality of Cabernet Sauvignon 1985 by B. Bravado, Y. Hepner, C Loinger, S. Cohen, H. Tabacman, Bravado_Sauvignon_Quality_1985.pdf (0.7 MiB) - First Sentence: The recent trend of rising...
by Lodi Growers | Jun 17, 2013
Integrated evolution of trellis training systems and machines to improve grape quality and vintage quality of mechanized Italian vineyards by Cesare Intrieri, Stefano Poni, Intrieri_MechanizedVineyards_1993.pdf (1.4 MiB) - First two sentences: Italy's viticulture...
by Lodi Growers | Jun 17, 2013
1 JULY/AUGUST 2006 by Stan Grant, Grant_ExtendedRipening_2006.pdf (0.1 MiB) - First Paragraph: “Hang time” or extended ripening of winegrapes has been a controversial issue in the wine industry for the last few years in California. It has been the topic of numerous...
by Lodi Growers | Jun 17, 2013
GRAPE JUICE INDICATORS FOR PREDICTION OF POTENTIAL WINE by T. H. Sinton, C. S. Ough, J. J. Kissler, A. N. Kasimatis, Sinton_IndicatorWineQuality_1978.pdf (0.4 MiB) - First Paragraph: The good wine-aroma intensity of wine from Zinfandel grapes was correlated with crop...
by Lodi Growers | Jun 17, 2013
EFFECT OF ETHEPHON by Fred L. Jensen, James J. Kissler, William L. Peacock, and George M. Leavitt, Jensen_Ethephon_1975.pdf (0.2 MiB) - First Paragraph: Ethephon enhanced color development in 'Tokay' and 'Emperor' table grapes. The most effective concentrations were...
by Lodi Growers | Jun 17, 2013
EFFECTS OF CROP LEVEL ON CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND by C.W. Cordner, C.S. Ough, A.N. Kasimatis, J.J. Kissler, Cordner_HeadspaceVolatiles_1978.pdf (0.6 MiB) - First Paraghraph: A method is given for quantitative analysis of wine headspace. The reproducibility of the...
by Lodi Growers | Jun 5, 2013
The influence of sunlight on grape berry growth and composition varies during fruit development by N.K. Dokoozlian, W.M. Kliewer, Dokoozlian_SunExposure_unknnownyear.pdf (80 KiB) - First Sentence: Cabarnet Sauvignon and Pinot noir grapevines grown in a sunlit...
by Lodi Growers | Jun 5, 2013
Grape cluster sun exposure and wine phenolics by S.F. Price, B.T. Watson, Price_SunExposure_1995.pdf (1.1 MiB) - First Paragraph: One of the major objectives of grape research at Oregon State University has been understanding the effects of vineyard practices on wine...
by Lodi Growers | Jun 5, 2013
Effect of leaf to fruit ratio on fruit quality and shoot development in 'carignane' and 'zinfandel' wiunegrapes by Robert J. Weaver, Weaver_LeafFruitQuality_1957.pdf (0.4 MiB) - First Sentence: The number of leaves required to nourish the apple...
by Lodi Growers | Jun 5, 2013
Some effects of overcropping on wine quality by A.J. Winkler, Winkler_Overcropping_1974.pdf (0.6 MiB) - First Sentence: The growers of grapes and wines, like those of any other industry of the same magnitude, are beset with production problems. These stem from such...