ipm11-10_ipm1-09 11/17/10 12:31 pm page 1

ipm11-10_ipm1-09 11/17/10 12:31 pm page 1 , 2010_November_G.pdf (0.2 MiB) - First Paragraph: Growers will recall it was 2004 when the San Joaquin County and Delta Water Quality Coalition (Coalition) was formed by local growers and managed through the San Joaquin...

Come Attend a SWP

Come Attend a SWP , 2002_December_G.pdf (97 KiB) - First three sentences: Many growers use or have tried vineyard cover crops to obtain economic or environmental benefits. Typical benefits include increased water penetration, reduced erosion and runoff, improved...

Research / IPM

Research / IPM , 2001_August_G.pdf (52 KiB) - First five sentences: Traditional irrigation of winegrapes in the Lodi area has its roots in the table grape and bulk industry. The goal was to maintain good vine water relations during the season until harvest. During...