Please join the Lodi Winegrape Commission on Tuesday, February 1st for the 70th Annual Lodi Grape Day celebration! Lodi Grape Day is hosted by University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) and the Lodi Chamber of Commerce’s Agribusiness Committee. The agenda with the full list of speakers has just been released (please see below).

For 70 years, the Agribusiness Committee of the Lodi District Chamber of Commerce, along with University of California Cooperative Extension, has brought information about improving yields, fighting diseases, market trends, and mechanization technologies to the hundreds of growers who attend Lodi Grape Day. After learning about relevant viticulture topics in the morning, growers, pest control advisors, winery personnel, bankers, and business leaders gather together for a special luncheon featuring a keynote speaker. This year’s keynote speaker is Honore Comfort, Vice President, International Marketing at the Wine Institute. Attendance during the morning presentations and wine tasting is FREE and open to everyone (no tickets or RSVP required). Tickets are required for the luncheon and keynote speaker presentation.

70th Annual LODI GRAPE DAY

February 1st, 2022  •  Hutchins Street Square, 125 S Hutchins St, Lodi, CA

7:30am   Registration and DPR Credit Sign-In with coffee and donuts


8:00am   Welcome & Spotted Lanternfly Identification and Scouting
Kari Arnold, PhD, UCCE Area Orchard and Vineyard Systems Advisor, Stanislaus

8:25am   How Trunk Diseases Spread and Methods to Manage an Infected Vineyard
Kendra Baumgartner, PhD, Research Plant Pathologist, USDA-ARS, UCDavis

8:55am   Costs to Establish and Produce Winegrapes for High Cordon Mechanical Pruning and Quadrilateral Vineyard Systems
Brittany Goodrich, PhD, Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist, Ag and Resource Economics, UCDavis

9:25am   UCCE Northern San Joaquin Valley Viticulture Advisor Update
Wendy Powers, PhD, Associate Vice President, UC Agriculture and Natural Resources


9:50am  Nematode Diversity and Nematode Resistant Rootstocks for the Vineyard
Karl Lund, PhD, UCCE Area Viticulture Advisor, Madera, Merced and Mariposa

10:20am  From Research to Practice: What We Learned and Where We are Heading
George Zhuang, UCCE Viticulture Farm Advisor, Fresno

10:50am   Maximizing Biological Control of Spider Mites
David Haviland, UCCE Entomology Farm Advisor, Kern

11:20am   Lodi Winegrape Commission Viticulture Updates
Stephanie Bolton, PhD, Research & Education Director, Sustainable Winegrowing Director, Lodi Winegrape Commission


12:00pm   LUNCH with Keynote Speaker, Kirst Hall (ticket required)
California Wine Export Program
Honore Comfort, Vice President International Marketing, Wine Institute

Meeting Credits:  1.75 hrs DPR CE – (OTHER) requested

For questions and to purchase luncheon tickets:  Click this link https://business.lodichamber.com/events/details/grape-day-2022-4782.

Have something interesting to say? Consider writing a guest blog article!

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To receive Lodi Grower news and event promotions by mail, send your contact information to stephanie@lodiwine.com or call 209.367.4727.

For more information on the wines of Lodi, visit the Lodi Winegrape Commission’s consumer website, lodiwine.com.

For more information on the LODI RULES Sustainable Winegrowing Program, visit lodigrowers.com/standards or lodirules.org.