Assessment Forms

California Food and Agriculture Code requires that all vintners withhold an assessment on all Crush District #11 winegrapes acquired from producers and remit the assessment to the Lodi Winegrape Commission.

Assessment Rate:  For the marketing season beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025, the assessment rate shall be 0.45% (45 cents per hundred dollars) of the gross dollar value of winegrapes grown in and acquired from Crush District #11.

Collection of Grower Assessment:  The vintner is required to deduct the assessment for the 2024-2025 marketing season from payments made to producers of Crush District #11 winegrapes, remit the assessment during the following month directly to the Commission, and file assessment reports documenting the amount remitted. The vintner is required to deduct the producer assessment from payments made to producers regardless of how many tons of winegrapes the producer is believed to have grown. If a producer supplies the vintner with a Commission-generated Certificate of Exemption, a deduction is not required. Producers may apply to the Commission for a certificate of exemption or a refund if they believe they are exempt from assessment.

Due Dates and Remittance Advice:  Producer assessment payments are due and payable on the last day of the month following the month in which payments are made by vintners to producers and remitted to:

Lodi Winegrape Commission
c/o Farmers & Merchants Bank
P.O. Box 3000
Lodi, CA 95241