Jessa Kay Cruz, Senior Pollinator Conservationist with the Xerces Society, taught a group of 45 growers, PCAs, and winegrape industry professionals about vineyard biocontrol, focusing on beneficial insects in vineyards. Attendees may contact her (click on her name for contact information) with follow-up questions about beneficial insects and their habitat management.
Who is the Xerces Society? The Xerces Society is a science-based conservation organization, working with diverse partners that include scientists, land managers, educators, policymakers, farmers, and communities. By utilizing applied research, engaging in advocacy, providing educational resources, addressing policy implications, and building community, we endeavor to make meaningful long-term conservation a reality.
- Jessa’s presentation is available HERE as a PDF
- Xerces Society handout on Monarch Nectar Plants: California
- Xerces Society handout on Recommended Plants: California Central Valley Region
- Xerces Society handout on Beneficial Insects for Natural Pest Control: Flower Scouting
- Xerces Society handout on Beneficial Insects For Natural Pest Control: Foliage Scouting
If you haven’t read the book “Farming with Native Beneficial Insects,” you are missing out! Join the Xerces Society for $35 and get a copy of this fun and educational – and very well written – book as a bonus. Contact Jessa Kay Cruz to learn more.
We’re planning follow-up projects to plant milkweed for monarch butterflies and hedgerow habitat for beneficial insects.