Grapevine viruses are expensive, complicated, and confusing, but BUGS are on the way! We’re combining science with fun as we learn about sustainability in our vineyards. The entire family is welcome and encouraged to join us for an evening of education, ice cream, snacks, and games. Additional details and specifics are included below. RSVP is requested by Tuesday, July 23.
Event details:
Date: Thursday, July 25th, 2019
Time: 6:00 – 7:30pm (storytelling & demo @ 6:15pm)
Venue: Michael David Winery, 4580 West Highway 12, Lodi CA 95242
Cost: FREE, please RSVP
Description: Please round up the whole family and join us for a night of fun and learning focused around biocontrol in the vineyard. We’ll enjoy ice cream, drinks, storytelling, face painting, owl pellet dissections with the WOW, and a beneficial insect drone demo. This event is part of a Western SARE grant (#OW19-351 – “A Collaborative Beneficial Insect and Pheromone Mating Disruption Demonstration Project”) involving the Lodi Winegrape Commission, Dr. Kent Daane (UCCE) and LODI RULES growers: Bokisch Vineyards, Lucas Winery, Michael David Winery, Starr Vineyard & Vino Farms. All ages are welcome. The event will be videotaped for educational purposes.
A special thanks to our friends at Associates Insectary, Pacific Biocontrol, Parabug, Suterra & the WOW Science Museum.
Volunteers welcomed – contact Stephanie Bolton (336.692.4288) if you are available to help.
Owl pellet donations to the WOW Museum will be accepted in paper bags at the event. Thank you!
RSVP by July 23rd: Please RSVP to Christina at the Lodi Winegrape Commission, 209.367.4727 or lwwc@lodiwine.com.
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To receive Lodi Grower news and event promotions by mail, send your contact information to stephanie@lodiwine.com or call 209.367.4727.
For more information on the wines of Lodi, visit the Lodi Winegrape Commission’s consumer website, lodiwine.com.