Did you ever wonder how you could volunteer to write a BLOG POST for and reach a wide audience in over 30 countries?! I bet you did!
Here at the Lodi Winegrape Commission, we are EXTREMELY GRATEFUL for our talented, amazing regular guest blog contributors like Stan Grant, Larry Whitted, Randy Caparoso and Paul Verdegaal, who have been writing on here for years. Without their well written prose and carefully selected photos, we would not be able to keep up this viticulture blog. Thanks, guys!! We really appreciate all you do to help push viticulture forward – it does not go unnoticed.
Perhaps YOU have something worth sharing with our readers?
Any nonpolitical viticulture topics which are timely and relevant make great topics for our Coffee Shop Blog. Our winegrower audience is particularly interested in mechanization, disease prevention/management, new technologies, case studies in the vineyard, nutrients/fertilizers, conservation/sustainability, efficiency improvements, mealybugs, viruses, new rootstocks, irrigation, meeting reviews, and applicable research updates. The Lodi farmers love to learn. We also like the occasional short “fun” piece like the post we wrote about the 6 PODCASTS FOR HARVEST TIME to listen to while driving a tractor.
To submit a post for the Lodi Winegrape Commission Coffee Shop Viticulture Blog:
1. Write a short, informative article on a topic of interest to Crush District 11/LODI winegrowers (please make sure it is generally unbranded and nonpolitical). We are interested in the science behind a topic and cannot post marketing materials unless you are telling us strategies for how to market winegrapes. Search our website for several great examples.
2. Save the file as a Word document titled “blog your name date.” Reference your figures/photos/captions as needed for clarity in the text and include figure/photo/table captions at the end of the document. Hyperlinks are greatly encouraged in the text as much as possible. Please use one space between sentences.
3. Save each figure/photo/table separately as a JPEG or PNG file titled “Figure 1” etc. You must have between 2-4 figures/photos/tables if you don’t want to be boring. If your photo needs to be credited, include that in the caption. Double-check that your figures/photos/captions are numbered the way you want them to appear in the text.
4. Send all files in one email to with the subject “new coffee shop blog post” for consideration. Indicate the best timing for your blog post in the email (for example: “Please post this blog article between April 20th and May 20th” OR “Blog can be posted at any time”).
We will let you know if and when your blog is approved for posting, and when it is posted you will get an email with the link.
Pretty simple, right?! These blog posts actually take a great deal of effort to write and format for use online, which is why we are so grateful to all previous and future Coffee Shop Blog authors.
Check out our website for some great blog post examples, such as SELECTING A ROOTSTOCK by Stan Grant or NEGOTIATION TIPS FOR GROWERS by Larry Whitted.
Have something interesting to say? Consider writing a guest blog article!
To subscribe to the Coffee Shop Blog, send an email to with the subject “blog subscribe.”
To join the Lodi Growers email list, send an email to with the subject “grower email subscribe.”
To receive Lodi Grower news and event promotions by mail, send your contact information to or call 209.367.4727.
For more information on the wines of Lodi, visit the Lodi Winegrape Commission’s consumer website,