We are VERY happy to report that UC Davis has released the 2016 vineyard cost study for Crush District 11 Cabernet Sauvignon.

Click here for the study: UC Davis 2016 Crush District 11 Vineyard Cost Study

The 23-page study represents the efforts of:12-28-16

Paul S. Verdegaal, Farm Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension, San Joaquin County

Daniel A. Sumner, Director, UC Agricultural Issues Center, Professor, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Davis

Jeremy Murdock, Staff Research Associate, UC Agricultural Issues Center

A big thanks to these three guys!!

The full title of the study is “SAMPLE COSTS FOR WINEGRAPES TO ESTABLISH A VINEYARD AND PRODUCE WINEGRAPES – Cabernet Sauvignon Variety, San Joaquin Valley North – San Joaquin and Sacramento Counties, CRUSH DISTRICT 11 – 2016.”  Sections include everything from labor and equipment to cash overhead and costs/returns per acre.

Cost studies for other commodities and winegrape regions are available at: coststudies.ucdavis.edu.


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