Date: Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Time: 8:00 – 9:30am
Venue: Burgundy Hall, Grape Festival Grounds, 413 E Lockeford St, Lodi, CA
Cost: FREE, all are welcome & encouraged to attend
Credits: 1.5 hrs DPR CE (OTHER) approved
Special Guest & Topic: Vince Arellano, Senior Environmental Scientist, CDFA – Oriental Fruit Fly
Who Should Attend: Local Pest Control Advisers (PCAs), GROWERS who manage their own pest control (PRIVATE APPLICATORS) or who have pest control questions, anyone looking for viticulture DPR CE credits, viticulture TECHNICAL ADVISORS in Lodi, and winemakers/grower relations personnel interested in learning about vineyard pest management.
Description: Our group meets monthly to discuss current vineyard pests and their management. The goal is to create a strong local network for communicating the best IPM strategies and for support in solving viticultural anomalies. Fruit flies have been a big problem this year in many crops across California. This month, our IPM meeting will focus on the California-quarantined oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis, detected in Sacramento Co. on September 12, 2023) and its threat to vineyards. Damage occurs when the female lays her eggs inside fruit, which then hatch into maggots. Note that this species is not the one responsible for typical sour rot.
For general information on the oriental fruit fly, the University of Florida has a nice overview here (note that is has not been updated since 2016):
View the CDFA’s current map of California quarantines to see if your property is inside or outside a quarantined region here:
RSVP: To the Lodi Winegrape Commission by phone 209.367.4727 or email