Sent and posted on June 26th, 2018
Date: Monday, July 16th, 2018
Time: 12:00 PM
Place: Lodi Winegrape Commission Conference Room, 2545 W. Turner Rd., Lodi CA 95242
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order
- Roll call and establishment of quorum
- Consideration of the June 4th, 2018 meeting minutes
- Public comment on items appearing on the agenda (2 minute limit per person)
- Program updates:
- LODI RULES 2018 certification progress
- Marketing & Promotions – video, materials, website, events
- Winery communications
- Protected Harvest and SureHarvest news
- Pesticide Risk Model for 2019 certification year
- LODI RULES Program vision development – increasing educational awareness
- FY2017-2018 & FY2018-2019 Budget reviews
- Review draft language of possible new LODI RULES standards
- Brief reports from other Lodi Winegrape Commission Committees, focusing on LODI RULES connections:
- Grower Marketing
- Lodi Wine Country
- Research, Education & Communication
- Public comment on items not appearing on the agenda (2 minute limit per person)
- Future agenda items
- Schedule next meetings
- Adjourn
Action may be taken on any of the items listed above. Questions regarding the meeting should be directed to Aaron Shinn (209-747-9595) or Stuart Spencer (209-367-4727). Persons with disabilities needing special accommodation should contact Stuart Spencer, Program Manager, stuart@lodiwine.com at least five days prior to the meeting. This notice and agenda is available on the internet in Upcoming Meetings and Events on www.lodigrowers.com.