Lodi Winegrape Commission Celebrates its 25th Anniversary
The last five years have seen a tremendous swell of support and recognition for the Lodi wine region, most notable being the receipt of the coveted title of 2015 Wine Region of the Year from Wine Enthusiast Magazine. This success could not have happened, however, without the dedication and vision of the region’s winegrowers and the grower-established and funded Lodi Winegrape Commission. Lodi’s winegrowers are what sets the region apart and truly makes it special. In Lodi, there is an intense sense of cooperation among its winegrowers and the non-competitive belief that “a rising tide lifts all boats.”
About the Lodi Winegrape Commission: Twenty-five years ago, in 1991, Lodi’s winegrowers established the state-sanctioned Lodi Winegrape Commission, voting to tax their own production on an annual basis to sustain it. Today, the Winegrape Commission is comprised of approximately 750 winegrowers who collectively farm nearly 110,000 acres of winegrapes. The primary goals of the Winegrape Commission are to educate the region’s winegrowers, conduct grape-growing research, and raise awareness of the quality of Lodi grapes and wines through innovative marketing and public relations campaigns. One of the most notable achievements of the Lodi Winegrape Commission is the establishment of the Lodi Rules for Sustainable Winegrowing program in 2005. The program was California’s first third-party certification program for winegrowing, and it inspired a statewide program a few years later. For more information on Lodi Rules, please visit www.lodigrowers.com/lodirules/certification/.
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