LWC Grower Newsletter August 2001

LWC Grower Newsletter August 2001 , 2001_August_G.pdf (52 KiB) - First five sentences: Traditional irrigation of winegrapes in the Lodi area has its roots in the table grape and bulk industry. The goal was to maintain good vine water relations during the season until...

LWC Grower Newsletter April 2000

LWC Grower Newsletter April 2000 , 2000_April_G.pdf (50 KiB) - First Paragraph: How do various cover crops affect wine grape production and quality? Do cover crops affect nutrient status, reduce vigor, or stress vines? Do they improve soil quality? Are some cover...

Grape rootstock varieties

Grape rootstock varieties by A.N. Kasimatis, Lloyd Lider, Kasimatis_Rootstock_1975.pdf (1.7 MiB) - First Paragraph: During the past 80 years, many varieties of grape rootstocks have been grown and tested in California. Only a few of these have been commercially...

Grapevine physiology: How does a grapevine make sugar?

Grapevine physiology: How does a grapevine make sugar? by W.M. Kliewer, Kliewer_GrapevinePhysiology_1981.pdf (0.8 MiB) - First two sentences: All forms of viticultural produce(grapes, raisins, distilled wine alcohol) have their origins in the sugars produced within...

Promoting fruit quality and vine health

Promoting fruit quality and vine health by Stan Grant, Grant_IrrigationControl_2000.pdf (0.7 MiB) - First Paragraph: Most winegrape growers and viticulturists agree that irrigation is the most important management practice for quality wine grape production known to...

Fertilizer efficiency for winegrape vineyards 2006

Fertilizer efficiency for winegrape vineyards 2006 by Stan Grant, Grant_FertilizerEfficiency_2006.pdf (0.4 MiB) - First Paragraph: In the winegrape business, competition is more intense than ever before. Grape growers, through their winery customers, are feeling the...