In support of cutting-edge research to find solutions to winegrape pests and diseases, the Pierce’s Disease and Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter Board recommended $2.7 million in new funding for 15 research projects over the next three years.

The Board also continued funding eight previously approved multi-year projects for $685,308 for the fiscal year 2024 – 2025. The recommendation was approved by California Department of Food and Agriculture Secretary Karen Ross. The Board’s research program is overseen by a research coordinator, ensuring the industry gets the best research investment for their assessment dollars.

“The projects approved for funding represent great research on the ever-changing pest and disease challenges facing the California wine industry. While keeping the research on PD steady, the Board continues to receive and fund more projects on grapevine viruses and vectors and even added crucial work on the spotted lanternfly,” said Kristin Lowe, PhD, PD/GWSS Board research coordinator.

The Board invites researchers to submit proposals every year and 26 applications were submitted for funding this year. The proposals were evaluated by independent scientific review panels and the Board’s research screening committee before being discussed by the full Board at its spring meeting.

The Board has invested over $57.7 million since 2001 in research and outreach to protect vineyards, prevent the spread of pests and diseases, and deliver practical and sustainable solutions. The steadfast funding provided by the PD/GWSS winegrape grower assessment ensures that California’s winegrape industry can engage leading scientists in discovering solutions for PD and other serious pests and diseases of winegrapes. Learn more about Board-funded research HERE.



About the Board

The PD/GWSS Board is composed of representatives from the winegrape industry. It provides recommendations to the Secretary on the use of funds collected under the PD/GWSS winegrape assessment. The Board is advised by subcommittees established to focus on specific areas and issues.

In the face of increasing risks of invasive pests and diseases from around the world and nation, California’s winegrape growers today can turn to the innovative grower-government partnership created almost two decades ago to help protect their vineyards. The research, outreach, and other activities which the Pierce’s Disease and Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter Board funds are all geared toward safeguarding California winegrapes.

We want to thank the PD/GWSS Board for all their efforts to provide the Lodi winegrowing community with cutting-edge and industry-led virus research.

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