The West Coast Smoke Exposure Task Force (WCSETF) hosted its 4th Annual Smoke Summit virtually on Wednesday, June 5, 2024.

Over 300 attendees from across the country joined this year’s summit to learn about the impacts of wildfire smoke on the wine industry. Natalie Collins, CAWG President and co-chair of the West Coast Smoke Exposure Task Force, opened the summit and provided an overview of the agenda and esteemed speakers.

USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) researchers, Tim Rinehart and Arran Rumbaugh, provided updates on research activities and forthcoming initiatives.

Leading West Coast researchers Cole Cerrato from Oregon State University, Tom Collins from Washington State University, and Anita Oberholster from UC Davis shared their current, cutting-edge research related to smoke exposure in wine and winegrapes.

Attendees also had the opportunity to learn more about recently announced crop insurance policies, the new Crop Insurance Smoke and Endorsement, and the Grapevine Policy Expansion in 29 California counties (read CAWG’s May 30 eNews for more information on these policy updates).

Finally, Smoke Summit attendees got a sneak peek of the West Coast Smoke Exposure Task Force’s new website focused on all things wildfire smoke.

Watch the full recording below and read more in this article.


 A special thanks to CAWG for allowing us to share this important information on our blog. The Lodi Winegrape Commission is a proud industry member of CAWG and has written letters of support for smoke taint research to help scientists like Dr. Anita Oberholster secure much-needed funding.

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