The Coffee Shop is Open for Business

On any given morning in the parking lot of small town coffee shops across the Country a handful of dusty pickup trucks are parked. Coffee shops have long been a place where farmers gather to catch up on just about everything, especially on things related to...

LWC Grower Newsletter May 2009

LWC Grower Newsletter May 2009 , 2009_May_G.pdf (0.1 MiB) - Second Paragraph: From a financial and environmental perspective, we are lucky that sulfur dust remains the backbone of the region’s management for Powdery mildew. It is effective, relatively cheap, easy to...

LWC Grower Newsletter January 2009

LWC Grower Newsletter January 2009 , 2009_January_G.pdf (0.3 MiB) - First Paragraph: The Lodi Rules program had another significant year of growth in 2008. More than 10,000 vineyard acres achieved Lodi Rules certification from Protected Harvest in 2008, more than 10%...

LWC Grower Newsletter August 2006

LWC Grower Newsletter August 2006 , 2006_August_G.pdf (0.2 MiB) - First three sentences: Vine nutrition is always on the minds of winegrape growers. Whether it is a desire to keep vines healthy and producing an optimum yield or wanting to obtain the highest quality...

LWC Grower Newsletter March 2005

LWC Grower Newsletter March 2005 , 2005_March_G.pdf (0.2 MiB) - First four sentences: What are The Lodi Rules for Sustainable Winegrowing? They are California’s first sustainable winegrowing standards that are peer reviewed by scientists, academics and...

LWC Grower Newsletter June 2005

LWC Grower Newsletter June 2005 , 2005_June_G.pdf (0.2 MiB) - First Paragraph: It is that time of year again, time to worry about mites. I will be the first one to admit that I find dealing with mites in Lodi vineyards a difficult issue. I have two main reasons: 1) It...

LWC Grower Newsletter October 2004

LWC Grower Newsletter October 2004 , 2004_October_G.pdf (0.2 MiB) - First Paragraph: I am sure none of you need to be reminded of the importance of vine nutrition in producing the highest quality winegrapes and therefore the highest quality wine. However, despite its...