Sugar Accumulation Disorder (SAD)

There’s nothing like tending a nice crop of grapes all season, only to watch a portion of them shrivel and having to drop them before harvest. Berry shrivel has been a malady of some vineyards throughout the West Coast for many years. Several shrivel disorders may...

Erratic Budbreak and Variable Shoot Emergence

Erratic budbreak and variable shoot emergence was more common this year than most. At one point in some vineyards, early emerging shoots had elongating clusters and 7 or 8 unfolded leaves while late emerging shoots appeared as tiny green leaf tips between bud scales....

Ciatti Global Market Update – May 2015

Harvest is coming to an end in the Southern Hemisphere and most volume estimates remain unchanged.  The total crop size for all of the Southern Hemisphere should fall short of the 2014 result.  Argentina and New Zealand are experiencing the biggest declines in volume,...

Port Slowdown Impacts California Agriculture

California agriculture exported about 26% of its production in 2013 worth $21 billion. The top six destinations for California agricultural exports are Canada, European Union, China (including Hong Kong), Japan, Mexico, and Korea. Most export destinations rely almost...