Viticulture Library

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Welcome to the Lodi Winegrape Commission’s Viticulture Library. The Library is meant to be a user-friendly resource for accessing practical and scientific articles about vineyard management. The Library includes a searchable database of hundreds of articles organized into a number of categories. Click HERE for a list of categories. The Library houses a wide range of articles from cutting-edge research to early publications dating back to the 1960’s. The Library is a living resource, meaning that new articles are added frequently.

How does one use the Library?

Using the Library is simple. The search engine recalls articles by title, author, year of publication, and topic. Simply type a key term into the search field, and click “Search.” For example, to learn more about soil nutrition, search for “nitrogen” or “compost”. To learn how to control a specific pest, search for “bunch rot” or “botrytis.” Searching for “Paul” or “Verdegaal” retrieves all articles on record authored by our UCCE county farm adviser. Once you find an interesting article, you can read it online or download it as a PDF (drag your cursor to the bottom right of your screen and a download prompt will pop-up).

The Lodi Winegrape Commission thanks those who have contributed documents to the Library:

  • John Kautz Farms
  • Progressive Viticulture
Cordon or cane pruning? 19960.2 MiB2322
Estimating soil moisture by feel and appearance 19980.6 MiB1276
Powdery mildew weapons near 19930.8 MiB797
The role of veraison in berry drought tolerance 19950.4 MiB937
Mealybugs in California vineyards 20060.4 MiB929
Grapevine red blotch disease 20120.4 MiB837
Grapevine red blotch disease 20130.5 MiB830
Innovation, cooperation, and the perceived benefits and costs of sustainable agriculture practices 20110.6 MiB2255
Botrytis Rot68 KiB1043
Cluster elongation to control bunch rot in winegrapes0.3 MiB3881
Controlling bunch rot in wine grapes in the San Joaquin Valley0.1 MiB1074
Early botrytis rot of grapes and its control0.5 MiB2923
UCCE Sacramento County chemical bunch rot trials0.5 MiB1055
Sample Costs to produce organic wine grapes in the North Coast with an annually sown cover crop 19921.5 MiB1944
Aids in setting up a calendar of operations92 KiB1084
Costs to produce wine grapes in San Joaquin County0.1 MiB981
Cordon or cane pruning? 19960.2 MiB2322
Leaf removal in winegrape production0.3 MiB954
Vineyard canopy management practices for improving grapevine microclimate, fruit composition, and wine quality1.0 MiB1587
Wine grape canopy management practices in the San Joaquin Valley0.4 MiB1025
Crown Gall persists in California0.2 MiB958
Another fungus needs control0.4 MiB1029
Diseases0.2 MiB1124
Grapevine red blotch disease 20120.4 MiB837
Laboratory testing for grapevine diseases0.7 MiB944
Powdery mildew disease of grapevines0.7 MiB913
Fertilizer value of grape pomace 19780.1 MiB1968
Preventing possible groundwater contamination through management efforts0.2 MiB1044
Simplified key to families of common California spiders0.8 MiB948
Control of Eutypa dieback of grapes0.4 MiB1014
Eutypa dieback of apricot and grape in California1.2 MiB971
Influence of vine trellis training systems on growth, yield, fruit composition, and Eutypa incidence in Cabernet Sauvignon0.6 MiB933
Understanding and treating Eutypa dieback of apricots0.5 MiB3007
Fertilizer value of grape pomace 19780.1 MiB1968
How to appraise and correct vineyard biological problems that cause decline1.8 MiB894
Herbicide classification and mode of action0.4 MiB1823
Susceptibility of weeds to herbicides0.2 MiB754
Weeds: Integrated Pest Management0.8 MiB943
Leafroll disease of grapevines0.5 MiB1211
Leafroll virus hits clean-stock program0.1 MiB702
Mealybugs in California vineyards 20060.4 MiB929
Black measles in California0.5 MiB1201
Researchers find link between sun and wine component0.1 MiB774
Mechanical harvesting of grapes for the winery1.4 MiB1126
Nematodes0.3 MiB1188
LWC Grower Newsletter April 200050 KiB944
LWC Grower Newsletter April 20071.5 MiB1658
LWC Grower Newsletter April 20100.1 MiB1236
LWC Grower Newsletter April 20136.5 MiB2372
LWC Grower Newsletter August 200152 KiB959
LWC Grower Newsletter August 20060.2 MiB2448
LWC Grower Newsletter August 20091.0 MiB862
LWC Grower Newsletter August 20134.3 MiB1287
LWC Grower Newsletter December 200297 KiB943
LWC Grower Newsletter Fall 20110.6 MiB878
LWC Grower Newsletter February 20020.1 MiB868
LWC Grower Newsletter February 20030.1 MiB1153
LWC Grower Newsletter February 20061.4 MiB1031
LWC Grower Newsletter January 20040.1 MiB964
LWC Grower Newsletter January 20050.3 MiB1320
LWC Grower Newsletter January 20090.3 MiB791
LWC Grower Newsletter July 20070.6 MiB1108
LWC Grower Newsletter July 20100.2 MiB767
LWC Grower Newsletter June 20030.1 MiB1459
LWC Grower Newsletter June 20050.2 MiB912
LWC Grower Newsletter March 20050.2 MiB935
LWC Grower Newsletter March 20081.2 MiB888
LWC Grower Newsletter May 20020.2 MiB1150
LWC Grower Newsletter May 20090.1 MiB970
LWC Grower Newsletter November 20072.6 MiB1254
LWC Grower Newsletter November 20100.2 MiB925
LWC Grower Newsletter October 20030.1 MiB1008
LWC Grower Newsletter October 20040.2 MiB949
LWC Grower Newsletter October 20080.6 MiB1072
LWC Grower Newsletter October 20090.3 MiB792
LWC Grower Newsletter Spring 20128.7 MiB1292
LWC Grower Newsletter Summer 20110.4 MiB1314
Composition of grapes0.3 MiB1013
Defining sustainable viticulture from the practitioner perspective1.1 MiB1967
Dormant Planting Season Information 199473 KiB937
Glossary: Viticulture0.3 MiB1257
Grapevine physiology: How does a grapevine make sugar?0.8 MiB1232
Innovation, cooperation, and the perceived benefits and costs of sustainable agriculture practices 20110.6 MiB2255
Learning pathways for sustainable vineyard and winery management2.4 MiB1501
Learning pathways in viticulture management0.2 MiB1896
Modreation i s the key to preventing herbicide resistance0.4 MiB837
Morphology and taxonomy of grapevines0.2 MiB2646
Physiology and productivity of the grapevine1.2 MiB1056
Sustainability practice adoption and management goals of Central Coast, CA winegrape growers0.4 MiB1327
Sustainability programs in the Central Coast viticulture region of California: winegrape grower perceptions and participation0.3 MiB915
Warning on the use of chemicals72 KiB821
Weed Science Test0.3 MiB916
Winegrower perceptions of sustainability programs in Lodi, California0.8 MiB1400
A preemergence weed control trial in three year old Cabarnet Sauvignon grapes 19990.1 MiB1019
A weather network to support crop disease management decisions0.8 MiB969
Average Willamette Mite and Grape Leafhopper counts for 1996-19970.1 MiB782
Bug alert for the Grape Leaf Skeletonizer (GLS)0.2 MiB810
Calibrating Vine Sprayers0.4 MiB3394
Calibration of herbicide sprayers0.3 MiB1080
Grape Weed Control1.1 MiB879
IPM Program Update0.3 MiB968
IPM Program Update-19930.6 MiB900
Powdery mildew weapons near 19930.8 MiB797
Selected technical data for some common home and garden pesticides1.5 MiB1608
Sidebar: Vine surgery tested as management strategy for Botryosphaeria0.2 MiB909
Simplified key to families of common California spiders0.8 MiB948
Some common natural enemies in vineyards 0.3 MiB853
Symptoms of herbicide injury1.1 MiB5372
Vegetation management in grapes0.4 MiB1110
Wine grape and walnut weed control research progress report 19910.7 MiB884
Phomopsis cane and leaf spot of grapes1.3 MiB923
Phomopsis rears its ugly head again0.1 MiB828
A genetic map of Vitis vinifera: a foundation for improving the management of disease and flavor0.8 MiB1128
Pierce's Disease in the North Coast0.4 MiB1759
Pierce's Disease Q & A0.4 MiB984
New research findings on the control of grapevine powdery mildew0.2 MiB904
Powdery mildew weapons near 19930.8 MiB797
Effect of crop level and crop load on growth, yield, must and wine composition, and quality of Cabernet Sauvignon 19850.7 MiB1457
Factors affecting soluble solids, acid, pH, and color in grapes 19860.5 MiB1237
Fertilizer value of grape pomace 19780.1 MiB1968
pH=Quality 19840.5 MiB645
The general relationship between potassium, sodium and pH in grape juice and wine 19800.5 MiB8998
Field budding and the care of the budded grapevine0.7 MiB1382
T-bud grafting of grapevines0.2 MiB819
The production of certified grape stock1.7 MiB1232
Vineyard propagation0.6 MiB2670
Vineyard propagation87 KiB942
Cordon length can influence fruit composition0.4 MiB1110
Cordon or cane pruning? 19960.2 MiB2322
Evaluation of different severities of mechanical and hand pruning of Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay grapevines for productivity, fruit composition and wine quality 19930.6 MiB929
Evaluation of different severities of mechanical and hand pruning of Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay grapevines for productivity, fruit composition and wine quality 19950.7 MiB959
Mechanical and minimal pruning in winegrape production 19960.4 MiB1014
Pruning and mechanization 200637 KiB896
Pruning and training grapevines0.9 MiB3113
Training grapevines0.4 MiB1154
Training grapevines0.4 MiB1270
Grapevine red blotch disease 20120.4 MiB837
Grapevine red blotch disease 20130.5 MiB830
Borner Rootstock Patent0.3 MiB1582
Breeding Vitis rupestris X Muscadinia rotundifolia rootstocks to control Xiphinema index and fanleaf degeneration0.4 MiB1260
Complex parentage including Vitis vinifera0.2 MiB873
Cultural control of phylloxera in existing vineyards by root system conversion0.7 MiB945
Effect of rootstock on the composition and quality of wines from the Scion Chardonnay0.5 MiB1049
Effects of rootstock and spacing on root distrbution0.6 MiB1457
Effects of several nematode-resistant rootstocks on vine vigor, crop level, and nutrition with the grape variety, Grenache0.8 MiB2065
Grape rootstock varieties1.7 MiB1360
Grape rootstocks show promise in North Coast0.4 MiB842
History of Teleki rootstocks and origin of 5C, SO40.4 MiB1184
Influence of rootstock and vine spacing on root distribution, vine growth, crop yield, and fruit composition, canopy microclimate and wine quality of Cabernet Sauvignon1.2 MiB1202
New grape rootstocks with broad and durable nematode resistance0.9 MiB1281
Potential interactions between rootstocks and grapevine latent viruses0.5 MiB1305
Resistance of rootstocks to the virus transmitting nematode Xiphinema index0.3 MiB1567
Root Mapping: An investigation of grape rootstocks below ground0.3 MiB1002
Roots and root function0.7 MiB3503
Rootstock selection0.2 MiB875
Rootstocks on trial0.1 MiB805
Selected grapevine rootstock characteristics0.1 MiB964
Structure and physiology of the grapevine0.4 MiB871
Use of phylloxera-resistant rootstocks in California 19940.7 MiB853
Viticulture research field seminar0.4 MiB862
American Vineyard Foundation research report 19911.2 MiB944
Balanced soil fertility management in wine grape vineyards1.1 MiB3937
Big Valley grapes exhibit potassium deficiency symptoms0.2 MiB833
Boron deficiency in California vineyards1.6 MiB2257
Commercial sources of plant food used in vineyards67 KiB694
Dynamics of potassium release from potassium-bearing minerals as influenced by oxalic and citric acids1.0 MiB1260
Estimating soil moisture by feel and appearance 19980.6 MiB1276
Fertilizer efficiency for winegrape vineyards 20060.4 MiB6124
Fertilizer value of grape pomace 19780.1 MiB1968
Improving nitrogen fertilizer efficiency in winegrapes: application timing comparisons and refinement of critical tissue analysis levels in four important cultivars0.4 MiB934
Influence of potassium deficiency and temporary potassium deficiency on nitrogen metabolism in leaves and berries of wine grapes0.4 MiB883
Interactions between mycorrhizal fungi, soil fumigation, and growth of grapes in California0.9 MiB2607
Managing phosphorus deficiency in vineyards1.6 MiB3276
MKP0.6 MiB851
Monopatassium phosphate as a fertilizer component for liquid and suspension fertilizers (Ammoniating MKP solutions)2.4 MiB3791
Nature of the beast0.4 MiB796
Nitrate contamination of groundwater in from fertilizer: A review of state programs0.5 MiB856
Nitrogen requirements, use-efficiency 19940.4 MiB823
Phosphate expectations0.1 MiB699
Postharvest application of nitrogen in vineyards0.2 MiB887
Potassium fixation and its significance for California crop production 20111.1 MiB1736
Soil-specific Potassium management in the Lodi winegrape region 20136.4 MiB1281
Use of phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis to describe microbial communities in soil0.3 MiB1118
Use of tissue analysis in viticulture0.5 MiB2804
Vineyard Fertilization0.3 MiB1403
Vineyard nutrient needs vary with rootstocks and soils0.8 MiB1258
Evaluation of wine grape varieties for Lodi0.6 MiB843
Variety Observation Trial 20050.6 MiB981
Zinfandel Heritage Clone Evaluation 20100.2 MiB943
Are barn owls a biological control for gophers? Evaluating effectiveness in vineyards and orchards0.4 MiB1224
Attracting Barn Owls to farms1.4 MiB1533
Pocket gophers1.2 MiB1538
Summary of California studies analyzing the diet of barn owls0.4 MiB893
Vertebrate pest management in orchards0.7 MiB1445
Vertebrate pests in vineyards0.9 MiB1170
Two golden rules of vitivculture0.4 MiB1690
Costs of establishing a wine grape vineyard in San Joaquin County0.2 MiB918
Economics of vineyard design: vine and row spacing, trellising1.4 MiB7121
Planting a vineyard with cuttings0.6 MiB910
Sample costs to establish a vineyard and produce winegrapes 20120.8 MiB1571
The potential of wine-grape production in the San Joaquin Delta area of California0.4 MiB2280
Tissue analysis- A guide to grapevine fertilization0.2 MiB1721
Grapevine red blotch disease 20120.4 MiB837
Involvement of viroids in grapvine diseases: Impact on clonal variation, vine performance, and wine quality0.7 MiB741
Latent viruses in vines sting growers0.2 MiB750
Meristem tip culturing for the elimination of grapevine viruses0.7 MiB906
News backgrounder: Sick California grapevines may have viruses0.2 MiB849
Ribavirin 1993 year-end report0.5 MiB854
The Davis grapevine virus collection0.6 MiB853
Vine failure can be caused by latent viruses0.5 MiB973
Estimating soil moisture by feel and appearance 19980.6 MiB1276
Promoting fruit quality and vine health0.7 MiB2071
The role of veraison in berry drought tolerance 19950.4 MiB937
When understanding irrigation- many things are to be considered!1.0 MiB886
Winegrape water use and the effects of water deficits 20000.4 MiB898
Frost protection for North Coast vineyards1.7 MiB784
Frost recovery in vineyards0.2 MiB823
Microsprayer frost protection in vineyards1.1 MiB1929
Preventing frost damage in vineyards0.7 MiB978
Spring frost damage0.1 MiB938
Mechanical weeding in the vine row0.5 MiB1431
Study guide for agricultural pest control advisers on weed control 1.8 MiB844
"Extended" winegrape ripening 20060.1 MiB2086
Effect of crop level and crop load on growth, yield, must and wine composition, and quality of Cabernet Sauvignon 19850.7 MiB1457
Effect of ethephon on color and fruit characteristics of 'Tokay' and 'Emperor' table grapes0.2 MiB3091
Effect of leaf to fruit ratio on fruit quality and shoot development in 'carignane' and 'zinfandel' wiunegrapes0.4 MiB1033
Effects of crop level on chemical composition and headspace volatiles of Lodi Zinfandel grapes and wines0.6 MiB2719
Factors affecting soluble solids, acid, pH, and color in grapes 19860.5 MiB1237
Grape cluster sun exposure and wine phenolics1.1 MiB1102
Grape juice indicators for prediction of potential wine quality. Relationship between crop level, juice and wine composition, and wine sensory ratings and scores0.4 MiB2956
Integrated evolution of trellis training systems and machines to improve grape quality and vintage quality of mechanized Italian vineyards1.4 MiB1583
pH=Quality 19840.5 MiB645
Some effects of overcropping on wine quality0.6 MiB2742
The general relationship between potassium, sodium and pH in grape juice and wine 19800.5 MiB8998
The influence of sunlight on grape berry growth and composition varies during fruit development 80 KiB981