Lodi Acreage and Potential 2014 Crop Size

Here at Allied Grape Growers AGG, we recently combed through the 2013 Grape Acreage Report published by the California Ag Statistics Service.  As we have done over the years, we analyzed every corner of the report, identifying missing acres and creating a better...

Remote Sensing for Vineyard Pest Management

Remote sensing is a valuable tool for vineyard managers to assess several aspects of their viticultural operations, including pest management programs. Remote sensing refers to the use of aircraft or satellites to provide pictures or digital images of vineyards....

Quick and Easy Pesticide Use Reporting

In 1990 California became the first state to require full reporting of agricultural pesticide use. Under the full use reporting regulations growers are required to report monthly the pesticides they use to the agricultural commissioner of the county in which the pest...

In the Vineyard with Paul Verdegaal

The 2014 season started off with Chardonnay budbreak just slightly ahead of average about 6 days, on March 9th.  As in 2013 warm daily maximums, but below average nightly lows have allowed for a below average accumulation in Growing Degree Days (GDD).  Drought...

Global Market Update from the Ciatti Company

As 2013 comes to a close, most will remember the year of large crops across the globe and the market that began to shift back to the favor of the buyer. The Southern Hemisphere produced record crops in several markets, and with the exception of France, growers in the...

Lodi Soils Roadshow: A Photo Essay

The Soil Roadshow, held on April 14, took 30 local winegrowers on a tour of three different yet common soil types found within the Lodi region: San Joaquin, Tokay, and Corning/Redding. UCCE soil scientist Toby O’Geene and UCCE farm advisor Paul Verdegaal, along...

How to Learn Spanish

Many grape growers would like to learn to speak Spanish in order to communicate more effectively with farmworkers who are more comfortable communicating in that language.  However, the task of learning a foreign language just seems to be too difficult.  This...

Soil Moisture Monitoring

Here are the basic facts of water in vineyards. Water resides in the soil, the atmosphere, and the grapevines. The water in these vineyard elements is interconnected and forms a continuum. In California, after the last spring rain, water moves mostly from the soil to...

Development of Virtual Weather Stations in Lodi

Devising strategies for control of powdery mildew is a major focus of winegrape growers and pathology researchers. Many growers rely on nearby weather stations (such as a CIMIS station), the powdery mildew risk index, and other site-specific historical and seasonal...